Saturday, December 27, 2008

Love Love Love North Carolina

I have been in North Carolina since Christmas Day! I always loved visiting here but this was a very special visit.

I came to visit my aunt (grandma judy's sister) and family that I have not seen in eleven years!!! That is a really looonnnggg time. It has been such a wonderful visit. Everyday we have sit around the table and just talked all day long. Today was especially interesting to me because I was learning a lot about the women in my family I did not know. I knew the women before me had it rough but I never realized how rough they had it. It really helped me to see why all the women in my family are the way they are. I am not kidding when I say that all the women on my mom's side of the family (with one acception) were in abusive/bad/scary marriages or relationships. It was really hard to hear about some of the things that they went threw because it was stuff that you see on TV, it was the things that happen to other people, never you. Like I said before it made me realize why the women in my family are they way they are. As sad and heartbreaking it was to hear that my loved ones went through this, it is also wonderful to see how far they have come and what they have achieved. I feel so blessed to come from such an amazing group of women. I just hope one day I can become as beautiful and strong as they are!!!

After hearing all that I heard tonight, I made a promise to myself, and to them that I am going to break this trend of abuse in my family. For all the women before me that I have endured that pain emotinoally and physically, I am going to stand up for myself because they have taught me too.

I love my family, I would not give them up for the world. I am truly blessed and God is so wonderful, I am in awe of it all.

its all about love... jes

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